What you need to know
Live Music is a Must – We feature local bands and the occasional rogue musician Monday thru Friday evenings with styles ranging from bluegrass to funk.
A Great Atmosphere – Our bar and deck are filled with friendly folks who hang out on a regular basis, and we always look forward to seeing new faces.
Location is Key – We are located on the isthmus between Lake Monona and Lake Mendota. Plus, we’re within walking distance of the Capital Square, State Street and UW-Madison campus.

Events on the Rest of the Spaß Platz Block:
Take a peek at our events tab to see what’s going on at the Up North.
MONDAYS: Open Mic Night at 8:30 p.m. at the Come Back In
TUESDAYS: Trivia at 6:30 p.m. at the Come Back In
WEDNESDAYS + SUNDAYS: Karaoke at 8:30 p.m. at the Come Back In
SUNDAYS: Trivia at 6 p.m. at the Essen Haus
Monday- 2:30pm-12:00am
Tuesday- 2:30pm-2:00am
Wednesday- 2:30pm-2:00am
Thursday- 2:30pm- 2:00am
Friday- 2:30pm-2:30am
Saturday- 2:30pm-2:30am
Sunday- 2:30pm-12:00am (open at 11:30am for noon Packer games)
Contact Info:
(608) 250-1730
150 S. Blair St. Madison, WI 53703
Band Booking Info: teresamariemusic@yahoo.com
John Hardy, Up North Manager: upnorthbarmadison@gmail.com
Send Us a Message
We’d love to answer any of your questions!